Tuesday, April 21, 2009

20 April

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SMALLER SMALLEST THING. Unless there is a smallest thing.

Dear diary, as it is the first time I am writing to you, I would like to tell a little concerning myself. My name is Romeo, and I come from the Montague family, with my dad Mr. Montague and my mum Lady Montague. I am sixteen. Not that I have a high regard for myself, but I have to say that I am quite attractive, bright and sensitive. I live in the middle of a fierce fight between my family and the Capulet’s. This battle has started ages before I was born, and will keep on going for generations and generations. Sincerely, I think that this fight is foolish, and that violence doesn’t make thing different and by no means will between our two families. I take the Capulet’s as equal to us, and nothing will alter my mind. I feel that this day couldn’t get any worst for me. You see I like this girl from the name of Rosaline, but she doesn’t return her affection towards me. This made me miserable for the whole day, and I had not the desire to see any people. I went around the region, and went into profound thinking and came to the point that there was no more point of breathing if I could never get will my beloved Rosaline. The only person informed about my love for her is my dearest cousin “Benvolio”. I told him how I felt, and how I couldn’t live without her, and he gave me the advice of going with him tonight at the masked party at the Capulet’s mansion. Dear diary I hope my cousin is right and if not what should I do?

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