Tuesday, April 21, 2009

25 April

A few days later, I had gone threw some with Juliet, and I finally think she is the one I want to be with. I hurried early in the morning to Friar Laurence who for me is some kind of second father, and at the same time a best friend which I tell everything to. He is quite old, and works in a small church in the middle of a field of roses. When I arrived their, I jumped in his arm, and him exited to see me, I thought it would be a good moment to actually express my feelings for Juliet. But after I have told him that I have no more feeling for Rosaline, but for the Capulet’s daughter, he turned his head away from me, and kept on walking. He then stopped and told me that what I am doing will just make the relation between both family more complicated, but the more he thought of it, the better it was for both families, so he agreed to the marriage, and on very special day we got married.

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