Tuesday, April 21, 2009

27 April

Dear diary, after I have thought that nothing could ruin the joy that I had in my heart for a couple of days, well it actually did. When I went to see Benvolio and Mercutio to tell them some of the good news, well there was a fight going on in the center of the village. Tybault, which is Juliet cousin, came to our territory, and asked for trouble, and Mercutio which could not refuse a fight, decided to fight against Tybault, which I tried to make it not happen, but by falling, the fight ended by dearest Mercutio to die in my hand from Tybaults sword. Without any pretoughts, I rushed to Tybault and killed him as revenge towards Mercutio. And this is when everything turned into hell. As the prince kept on saying, that if by any means a fight was happening between then two families, the one responsible was ask to be killed. So after having killed Tybault I thought that the best idea was to flee and go hide somewhere outside the region where nothing could happen. But would Juliet be ok? How would she get any of my news? What should I do?